Iggy Commands
List of Commands for Iggy Discord Bot
Select Category
Text Correction
/tp (on / off)
Iggy will remind you to talk in third person.
/ying (on / off)
Iggy will remind you to talk like a yinglet.
Text and Speech
Adds Iggy to the voice channel you are in.
Removes Iggy from voice channel.
/say (message)
Use text to speech. You and Iggy must be in a voice channel to use this.
/saytt (voice) (msg)
Use text to speech with a TikTok voice. You and Iggy must be in a voice channel to use this.
Repeat the last text to speech message.
/save (voice) (message)
Generate a text to speech file with a selected voice.
/relay (message)
Send a message as iggy.
/dm (who) (message)
DM a server user as iggy.
Show keymash scoreboard.
Show :3 scoreboard.
Parameters marked * are optional
/gag (type) (owner*)
Apply a gag to yourself. Optionally set an owner, only they will be able to remove the gag.
/ungag (who*)
Remove a gag from yourself, or define someone else to ungag.
/twin (on / off) (who*)
Twin a server member. This will make your messages appear as if sent by the twinned user (who).
/bullytoggle (on / off)
Toggle whether you want others to be able to change your name
/bully (who) (new nick)
Change a user's nickname.
/secretbully (who) (new nickname)
Change a user's nickname without sending a message.
/imp (who) (message)
Impersonate a user.
Sends a random paw picture.
/boop (who)
Boop someone.
/source (link)
Get source for an image link.
/dronename (length)
Generate a drone name. (length) determines how long it should be.
Accessible via Right Click on Message > Apps
Delete Message
Deletes a message sent by Iggy.
Get Image Source
Get source for an image from a message.
Iggy is a discord bot being developed by pebble.
Its source code is available on Github.